Entering Category 10 Of The Lowest Inflation Areas In Indonesia, Papua Province Is On Standby For The Impact Of The El Nino Phenomenon

JAKARTA - The Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) claims its territory is in the top 10 in the lowest inflation category nationally.

Inflation in Papua Province is now at 4.05 percent, from previously being in the top five at the position of 5.05 percent. Assistant Assistant for the Economy and People's Welfare of the Papua Regional Secretariat, Suzana Wanggai, said this was based on the results of a virtual coordination meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian. "The Minister of Home Affairs, gave appreciation, because we have maintained inflation during Ramadan and Eid, so that the Papua Provincial Government is grateful that Papua is included in the category of the 10 lowest inflation areas at 4.05 percent," he said in Jayapura, Papua, Sunday, May 7, was confiscated by Antara. According to Suzana, Papua Provincial Government inflation has indeed experienced a bit of an increase caused by air transportation, but that is not a problem because now ticket prices are starting to decline or stage normal again. "So we hope that next month we will enter the category of the fifth lowest inflation area," he said who is also the Head of the Border Management and Foreign Cooperation Agency (BPPKLN).

Dia menjelaskan, untuk itu sesuai arahan Mendagri di mana harus mewaspadai dampak dari fenomena El Nino jangan sampai nanti ada kering yang mengakibatkan gagal panen."Tentu ini tugas bersama dengan pemangku kepentingan terkait untuk itu kami akan meningkatkan koordinasi, terutama pemerintah kabupaten kota agar bagaimana sama-sama mengatasi dampak fenomena El Nino dan menjaga inflasi tetap stabil di Bumi Cenderawasih," katanya lagi.Sementara itu, di kutip dari Antaranews.com Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) memprediksi sebesar 50-60 persen fenomena El Nino berpeluang terjadi pada semester dua 2023.