Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Claims An Appeal To Extend Eid Leave Successfully Reduce Backflow Density
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the public's appeal to extend Lebaran 2023 leave succeeded in reducing backflow density.
"It seems that it is going well because as of today, from the four main entry toll roads in Cikampek (pimilir) it has not yet reached 30 percent, meaning that starting tomorrow until Sunday Sunday, next Sunday it will be 'flat', meaning it will be crowded but will not jostle," said Muhadjir at the Vice President's Palace. Jakarta on Wednesday 26 April, confiscated by Antara.
Previously, President Jokowi appealed to the public to postpone the return schedule from homecoming after April 26, 2023, including for ASN, TNI, Polri, and BUMN or private employees in order to apply for additional leave or other forms of leave.
"So the backflow is divided, I split it, I saw first because of course the direction of the President is that civil servants, the TNI/Polri can take more leave, that's collective leave, individual leave is not yet, it can be taken," added Muhadjir.
In the flow of Eid 2023, the Ministry of Transportation predicts that there will be 203,000 vehicles per day from the east, namely from the Trans Java Toll Road and from Bandung via the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.
"Then also the elimination of halal bi halal in the near future also has quite good effects, including discounts. Toll discounts starting April 27-29 seem quite significant, because if (discounts) are 20 percent from Kalikangkung, Semarang to Cikampek it turns out to be quite large 20 percent," said Muhadjir.
Muhadjir said that although the flow of the billions would later shift to 29-30 April 2023, he was optimistic that there would be no significant density.
"If it shifted, it wouldn't be too high because (the flow) was the second wave, the first wave was enough because now it's almost 30 percent, it's quite enough to be at least (on April 29-30) below 30 percent so there's nothing we need to worry about," added Muhadjir.
Another anticipatory policy according to Muhadjir is that the government has issued a policy of extending the operation period of goods transport vehicles until April 28, 2023.
"Today (the ban) should have been allowed but we have made a circular to be extended until April 28, Friday, 24.00," he said.