KPU Has Implemented Bawaslu Decision Regarding Verification Of Prima Party Improvement Administration

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) stated that it had implemented Bawaslu Decision Number 002/PS.REG/Bawaslu/X/2022, one of the points is carrying out administrative verification (vermin) for improvements to the Prima Party as a political party participating in the 2024 Election.

"The reported party (KPU) has fully carried out what was decided by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) through Decision Number 002/PS.REG/Bawaslu/X/2022 dated November 4, 2022," said KPU member Mochammad Afifuddin representing the KPU as the reported party in trial for handling allegations of election administration violations at the Bawaslu Courtroom, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 14, confiscated by Antara.

Thus, Afif added, Mochammad Afifuddin's nickname, the main report of the Prima Party as a reporter to the RI Bawaslu stating that the KPU did not implement the Bawaslu decision Number 002/PS.REG/Bawaslu/X/2022 dated 4 November 2022 is an unfounded argument, there is -exists, and deserves to be rejected or ruled out.

Furthermore, Afif explained a number of steps that had been taken by the KPU in following up on the Bawaslu decision.

Among other things, the KPU has issued KPU Decree Number 460 of 2022 concerning Stages, Programs, and Schedules for Submission of Documents Requirements for Correction, Verification, and Determination of Political Parties Contesting for the Election of Members of the DPR and DPRD as Follow-up to the Indonesian Bawaslu Decision on the Justice and Unity Party, the People's Party Fair and Prosperous (Prima), Republican Party, Indonesian People's Swara Party, and Indonesian Republican Party dated November 8, 2022.

Second, Afif conveyed to the Prima Party, the KPU issued KPU Decree Number 1063/PL/01.1-SD/05/2022 regarding the Submission of Correction Requirements Documents into the Political Party Information System (Sipol) on November 8, 2022.

"The reported party (KPU) then carried out administrative verification of the corrective requirement documents submitted by the reporters to the reported party, as the results were stated in the KPU Official Report Number 275/PL.01.1-BA/05/2022 concerning the Recapitulation of Verification Results of Administration of Political Parties for Candidates for Election Contestants along with attachments and sub-attachments dated November 18, 2022," said Afif.

Previously, after having filed an election process dispute lawsuit with Bawaslu on November 4, 2022, the Prima Party again reported the KPU to Bawaslu over allegations of election administration violations which caused Prima not to pass the administrative verification stages of political parties as candidates for the 2024 Election.

The report to the Bawaslu was registered in the name of the general chairman of the Prima Party, Agus Jabo Priyono, and the secretary general of Prima, Doweeks Oktavianus, as the reporter.

The Prima Party made the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) which was read out on Thursday, March 2, as one of the things that shows the violations committed by the KPU.