Main Enemy Of Farmers In Sumba, Locust Pest Will Be Handled By The NTT Provincial Government Together With The United Nations Agricultural Organization

NTT - The locust pest has become the main enemy of farmers on Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). In this case, the NTT Provincial Government cooperates with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and three campuses in Indonesia.

"We are working with the FAO and the Gadjah Mada University universities, the University of Indonesia, and the Bogor Agricultural Institution to conduct research on the handling of kumbara locust pests in Sumba," said the Secretary of the NTT Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Service Joaz Oemboe Wanda in a statement, Sunday, March 5, quoted by Antara.

He said this was related to the support of the NTT Provincial Government for handling the Kumbara locust attack which often attacks agricultural crops on the island of Sumba.

Wanda said that her party together with FAO and the university conducted research or studies in the field regarding kumbara locust pests, including their ecosystem, to support handling.

According to him, the issue of locust pests on the island of Sumba is quite complex because it involves an interrelated ecosystem in it.

Kumbara colleagues, he said, usually have habitats in humid and closed areas or in forests such as in East Sumba Regency.

Taking kumbara is usually eaten by certain types of birds so that the population is under control, but when the population of birds of predators is reduced due to being hunted by residents, the population of locusts is increasing rapidly.

"This complex condition is studied in the field, including changes in the environment that occur which make locusts migrate to find new places to eat," he said.

He explained that kumbara locust pests generally attack agricultural crops such as corn, sugar cane, rice, in a spread or sporadic manner at certain points.

Furthermore, Wanda said, in addition, efforts to deal with locust pests were also carried out through synergy with the relevant ministries and four district governments on the island of Sumba.

The provincial government, he said, also has a technical implementation unit for plant protection in Lewa Subdistrict, East Sumba, which provides and distributes pest wetting drugs.

"The steps to handle locust pests are carried out massively in the field so that it is hoped that in the future, the potential for agricultural crop damage can be minimized," he said.