Jokowi Officially Opens the 10th World Water Forum in Indonesia, There are 4 Priority Agenda

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) which will be held in Bali, on 18-24 May 2024.

"By saying bismillah, I declare the Kick-Off meeting of the 10th WWF to begin", Jokowi said in a video broadcast at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15.

Jokowi said, four priority agendas must be thoroughly discussed in the holding of the 10th World Water Forum in Indonesia later. Because water is a source of survival for all people in parts of the world.

"In the midst of the current rate of population growth and climate change, I would like to emphasize several important agendas that must be prioritized, including efforts to conserve water, availability of clean water and sanitation, food and energy security, and mitigation of natural disasters in the form of floods and droughts", he said.

According to Jokowi, many countries around the world are still experiencing a water crisis, even though their population growth rate continues to increase.

"Meanwhile, the availability of quality and sustainable water is increasingly difficult due to environmental gradation and climate change", he explained.

"The efficient and integrated processing of water resources is an agenda that must be worked on together, so that water can be managed and used for common prosperity", he continued.

Therefore, continued Jokowi, by choosing Indonesia to host the 10th WWF next year, it is hoped that various solutions related to water will be found.

"I really hope that the initial meeting towards The 10th WWF can produce important agendas that will be followed up at the 10th WWF summit event in Bali on 18-24 May 2024", he said.