Can Pregnant Women Eat Durian? Here Is The Answer!

YOGYAKARTA – Can pregnant women eat durian? Durian is a tropical fruit that can be found in Southeast Asia. This fruit has a soft texture and sweet taste. In addition, durian is also rich in nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, fiber, magnesium, niacin, thiamine, vitamins A, C, E, and other nutrients.

Even though it contains many nutrients, there is a myth that durian is not good for the health of the fetus and pregnant women. This myth makes pregnant women worry about consuming pregnancy in every trimester of pregnancy. So, can you eat durian during pregnancy?

Can Pregnant Women Eat Durian?

In several countries in Asia, including Indonesia, many people think that eating durian during pregnancy is taboo because this fruit is hot, and easily causes indigestion, flatulence, hot flashes, and even cancer.

In fact, there is no scientific evidence stating that durian is harmful to the health of pregnant women and the fetus. In fact, durian if consumed in moderation is said to be good for pregnant women because it has many vitamins and minerals important for the body, as quoted by VOI from the VinMec International Hospital website, Sunday, January 22, 2023.

One of the nutrients in durian fruit that is good for pregnant women is folic acid. Folic acid in durian serves to prevent birth defects in prospective babies. The fiber in durian is also very beneficial for pregnant women who are at risk of experiencing constipation.

In addition, durian also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties, so it is still safe to eat during pregnancy.

Quoted from Halodoc, the content of antioxidants in durian can protect pregnant women from free radicals and pollutants. Even though there are many benefits, mothers still have to adjust their portions when eating durian.

However, during pregnancy, pregnant women should not consume excessive amounts of durian. Because it can increase the weight of the prospective baby.

A baby's weight that is too large risks making it difficult for the mother during the birth process. This is because durian has a fairly high number of calories and sugar. Normally, weight gain during pregnancy ranges from 12-16 kilograms.

Tips on Consuming Durian for Pregnant Women

Illustration of durian (SpencerWing/Pixabay)

Pregnant women need to pay attention to tips on consuming durian so that pregnancy continues normally and does not interfere with fetal development.

Pregnant women are advised to eat durian in a reasonable amount, which is no more than 2 pieces. Also, don't eat durian too often.

When consuming durian fruit, choose one that is not too ripe and does not have thick flesh. Overripe and thick durian flesh can increase cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, pregnant women are also advised to drink lots of water after consuming durian fruit.

For pregnant women who suffer from certain conditions, such as gestational diabetes, have a family history of diabetes, and are obese, it is not recommended to eat durian fruit. The same goes for pregnant women who are entering the third trimester of pregnancy.

Thus information about the consumption of durian during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat durian? The answer is yes, as long as the amount is not excessive.