Meeting Indian Prime Minister, Mahfud MD Welcomes the Call for Cooperation in Disaster Management and Prevention of Radicalism
JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, welcomed the invitation to cooperate with India, especially in preventing radicalism. The invitation was immediately conveyed by the Prime Minister (PM) of India Narendra Modi.
Before meeting the Prime Minister of India, Mahfud attended an interfaith seminar in New Delhi, India, Tuesday, November 30 local time. He became a speaker in a seminar that also contained the discussion.
"We equate the perception of the importance of coexistence and harmony between religions, including rejecting extremism. We also met with the National Security Adviser and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of India, discussing strategic matters for future cooperation between the two countries", said Mahfud on his Instagram account, @mohmahfudmd, Wednesday, November 30.
Mahfud said that it was after the seminar that he met the Prime Minister of India who invited Indonesia and India to work together on several programs including combating extremist views based on religious or political views.
"After the dialogue, I met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and we welcomed PM Modi's invitation to cooperate in the fields of education, disaster management, including the prevention of radicalism and extremism", he said.
Afterward, Mahfud met with representatives of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) in New Delhi. Mahfud had dialogue with Indonesian citizens consisting of students, lecturers who teach at universities in Delhi, to workers in international organizations.
In the meeting facilitated by the Indonesian Embassy in New Delhi, Mahfud emphasized to Indonesian citizens that one of the ways to protect the good name of the Indonesian people is to protect their own good name.
"I also advised that loyalty to Indonesia should be maintained, and all Indonesian citizens are expected to contribute positively to developing Indonesia", he concluded.