The Firearms Used By The Two Robbers In Kebon Jeruk Turned Out To Be Toys, Belonging To The Suspect's Nephew

JAKARTA - Two robbers who used replica firearms were arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police-Criminal Investigation Unit. The two perpetrators had the initials BA (23) and NS (29).

They took action in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, last Saturday, March 26. During the action, the two suspects were caught on CCTV surveillance cameras around the scene. Based on the recording and witness testimony, the perpetrator used a firearm.

The Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner of Police Niko Purba explained, from the results of the inspection it turned out that the weapons used by the suspects were fake weapons or toy weapons that resembled firearms.

Commissioner of Police Niko said the weapons used by the suspects were his nephew's toys.

"So the facts we get are that a toy gun was pointed at the victim. So this toy gun is a toy from a nephew, which he borrowed from his nephew," said Commissioner of Police Niko when confirmed, Wednesday, April 13.

Niko explained that the suspects were desperate to commit crimes with gun property because they were inspired by action films.

From the hands of the two suspects, the police managed to secure evidence in the form of a toy firearm, a motorcycle as well as the clothes and helmets worn by the suspect during the action.

"The evidence that we have secured includes one unit of a motorcycle that was used during the action, the sweaters of the two of them, including the helmet they used, and a toy gun," he explained.

Meanwhile, from the confessions of the two perpetrators, it turns out that they have repeatedly taken cellular phone seizures in various areas in West Jakarta.

"But this is the first time using a toy gun as a property," he said.

In order to account for their actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 365 paragraph 2 regarding violent theft with a maximum threat of 12 years in prison.