JAKARTA The smart Lander for Investigation Moon (SLIM) landed on the Moon on Saturday, January 20 and its small robot, the Lunar Excursion Vehicle (LEV-1), has been out of the plane.

Based on the announcement of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on Thursday, January 25, they have received telemetry data from the LEV-1 rover. The robot also managed to transmit radio wave data to the Transformable Lunar Robot (LEV-2).

LEV-1 and LEV-2 were successfully separated from SLIM before the plane landed in an emergency. Although both are in alert mode, JAXA must first address the problem of the SLIM solar power plant to deploy the two explorers.

"Although the ability to continue activities depends on solar power plants from changes in the solar direction, efforts will be maintained to continue receiving signals from LEV-1," JAXA said in an official statement.

Currently, JAXA is waiting for lighting from the sun so that the SLIM can be restored and the two explorers can operate. While waiting, JAXA also analyzed the problem of the SLIM landing that was not in accordance with their plan.

Supposedly, SLIM landed 55 meters west of the current location. However, the thrust force of one of SLIM's main engines made the plane land at an unexpected location by JAXA.

Although the distance makes it difficult for JAXA, the state institution still states that the demonstration of SLIM technology is successful and quite accurate because it is still in the range of 100 meters. According to JAXA, SLIM's main mission has been achieved.

The anomaly of the SLIM driving engine is still being observed by the JAXA team. In addition to analyzing the system from their lander, JAXA is also observing several external factors that could affect the SLIM emergency landing.

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