YOGYAKARTA - The emergence of blood spots often makes women confused, whether it's menstrual or pregnancy symptoms. These two conditions have similar symptoms, but actually there are some fundamental differences. It is very important to recognize differences in pregnant and menstrual spots for women.

Flek refers to light bleeding or blood droplets that come out of the vagina and are often considered as early signs of menstruation. However, the appearance of spots can also show pregnancy that generally occurs 10 to 14 days after the fertilization process.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between spots that occur at the beginning of pregnancy and spots that appear before menstruation. So as not to be confused, you need to understand the difference between pregnant and menstrual spots from some signs or symptoms.

Pregnant spots or implantation fading are blood spots that appear when an egg that has been seeded adheres to the uterine wall. This process usually occurs about 6-12 days after ovulation or around the first week until the second week of pregnancy. Pregnant spots are generally not too much and often not accompanied by intense pain symptoms.

While menstrual spots are the starting sign of the menstrual cycle. These spots occur due to the release of an endometrium layer (uterine wall) that does not materialize. Vessel spots are usually a sign that menstruation will begin in a few days.

The amount of blood coming out tends to be more compared to pregnant spots. In addition, the appearance of menstrual spots is usually accompanied by symptoms of PMS (Pre-Menstural Syndrome) such as stomach cramps, back pain, or mood swings.

Here are some things that need to be considered to be able to recognize differences in pregnant and menstrual spots:

One of the main differences between pregnant and menstrual spots is the color and consistency of the blood that comes out.

The duration and intensity of spots can also be a significant clue in distinguishing pregnant and menstrual spots.

Symptoms that appear along with spots can be different between pregnant spots and menstrual spots.

The time of the occurrence of spots can also be an important indicator in distinguishing whether the spots are related to pregnancy or menstruation.

That is the difference between pregnant and menstrual spots that women need to understand. Pay attention to several things, such as blood color, duration, symptoms, to more easily recognize the difference. Also read safe sports tips during pregnancy.

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