JAKARTA Telegram is one of the messaging platforms that is widely used in Indonesia. Like other applications, Telegram can also be used to chat in private or group chat rooms.

Although its function is not much different from WhatsApp, Telegram is much superior in terms of group chat capacity. Group makers can add more than 200 thousand members, while WhatsApp is limited to thousands of members.

If you want to create a group that can accommodate thousands of users, you can take advantage of the Telegram platform. Here's how to create a group in the application with easy steps.

Create Groups On Telegram

Actually, group creation on Telegram is not much different from WhatsApp. However, if you are only used to WhatsApp's interface, you can create a group by following the following stages.


- https://voi.id/teknologi/440737/amazon-uji-penerbangan-drone-pertama-di-italia

- https://voi.id/teknologi/440734/pengadilan-banding-as-kuatkan-aturan-divestasi-terhadap-tiktok

- https://voi.id/teknologi/440694/microsoft-hentikan-produksi-surface-studio-2-plus-tanpa-penerus

- https://voi.id/teknologi/440688/kenapa-ada-stasiun-di-luar-angkasa-begini-penjelasan-nasa


After following the stages until they are finished, the group will immediately appear in the chat list. Please note that the group will be private automatically. If you want to open it publicly, you can click on the group name, then tap on the pencil icon.

Next, select Type Group and tap on the Public Group option. If the group type has been changed, users can join easily as long as they have the link.

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