JAKARTA - Google has launched a new feature in the Digital Wellbeing application designed to help users manage overuse of apps without blocking access in total. This feature, called Screen Time Reminders, provides a subtle reminder when you take too long to use certain apps.

This feature is designed to provide pill-shaped notifications at the top of the screen after users spend a certain amount of time in the selected app. This notification shows the duration of the use of the application, while encouraging you to stop and turn your attention to other, more productive things.

Unlike previous features that can block access to the app after a certain time limit, Screen Time Reminders aims to give users more flexible control. This feature is designed so that users can stay aware of their digital habits without feeling constrained.

To start using this feature:

Once activated, reminders will automatically appear when the duration of the application's use exceeds a certain time limit.

This feature previously appeared in an application update with the name Mindful Nudge. Now, Google has updated its name and function to provide a more friendly and effective experience in helping users.

With Screen Time Reminders, Google hopes to help users to be more aware and responsible for the time spent in certain applications, especially applications that are often considered to interfere with productivity.

This feature is part of Google's commitment to providing tools to support digital balance, especially in an era where many people find it difficult to escape from their devices.

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