JAKARTA iOS 18 was launched in mid-September with various Artificial Intelligence (AI) features. Although the upgrade is quite sophisticated, this OS is still lagging behind the Android 15 update.

In accordance with Apple's promise, iOS 18 brought many changes and became the best OS upgrade so far. The reason is, in this update, a number of Apple devices will get RCS support, Safari which can remove disturbing elements, and others.

Unfortunately, some of the new features on iOS 18 already have Android 15 and the updates from Google are more focused on user security. Here are some features that make Android 15 superior to iOS 18, reported by Android Police.

High-Level Security From Thieves

Apple's devices are known for high-level security and Google is trying to catch up with them. In recent years, Google has focused on developing malware detection devices and AI-based frauds until it finally launched a theft detection tool.

This is a very prominent feature on Android 15 that includes three tools, namely Theft Detection Lock, Remote Lock, and Offline Device Lock. When compared to Apple's activation Lock and Find My on iOS, both are not comparable to Android's new features.

Like Theft Detection Lock, for example. This tool is designed using AI, Learning Machines (ML), and movement sensors that can identify confiscation measures. With the combination of these three technologies, Theft Detection Lock can immediately lock the device when there is a theft.

One Application Special Record

The next feature that makes Android more prominent than iOS this year is an upgraded screen recording feature. Almost all phones can record screens, but there is no specific screen recording system for one app.

On Android 15, users can do it. When a special screen recording of one application is enabled, the device only records the selected screen. When the user switches to the app or unwanted notification appears, the device will stay focused on one app.

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