JAKARTA - Hundreds of millions of Facebook account personal data are spread and shared for free by one of the users of the hacking forum site. It is known that this data belongs to Facebook users from 106 countries.

Launching Business Insider, a total of 533 million Facebook user data came from 106 countries spread. It consists of 32 million data users from the United States, 11 million users from England, 6 million from India, and many more.

The personal data that spreads includes phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names of account owners, locations, birthdays, and a brief bio. Meanwhile, in certain cases, hackers also managed to access the user's email address.

Based on Insider testing of an example of this freely accessible data, anyone can access another user's Facebook account. It is enough to adjust the user's Facebook phone number with the identity in the data set.

Not only that, but other parties can also run the password reset feature. It is enough to use the telephone number that has been written in the data.

Facebook response

A Facebook spokesperson said that the leaked data was the result of system vulnerabilities that the company had fixed in 2019. And even though the data is quite old, the leaked data is admittedly still able to provide valuable information for cybercriminals.

"For example, by posing as an account owner to deceive people he knows," said Hudson Rock CTO, Alon Gal, who first discovered the data through the forum on Saturday, April 3.

Gal explained that he first encountered data leakage in January. At that time, he found users, who also shared 500 million Facebook account data, advertising an automation bot that could provide the phone numbers of hundreds of millions of Facebook users.

At that time, Motherboard had already reported the existence of the bot. In addition, the motherboard has also verified that the data generated is genuine.

Now, all data has been uploaded to online forums containing hackers. Moreover, the spreader also makes the data accessible for free. So, it's a good idea to immediately change your FB password, if you don't want cybercrime to happen.

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