JAKARTA Applications that are not used for a very long time will usually be removed from the device. However, sometimes, applications that have been removed from this phone will be needed again in the future.

If this application is quite popular, you will usually remember its name. However, in contrast to record applications, financial managers, and many more, the name is almost the same on the Google Play Store. You can forget the name of the application easily.

When this happens, you may find it difficult to find the right app. Fortunately, the Play Store provides a way to find an application that has been downloaded. If you want to search for an app on the Play Store, here's how to do it, reported by How to Geek.

See Downloaded App List

The easiest way to view an application that has been downloaded is to open the Google Play Store application, then go to the App and Device Governance page via settings. To open Settings, you only need to click on the profile picture.

After that, go to the Managing page and the list of apps will appear on the screen with the size of the application. At the top of the Kelola page, you will see the Downloaded filter. Make sure to change the filter to make it Undownloaded to make the search easier.

If you are the type that downloads the application when needed or rarely downloads the application, the list of apps you can see will certainly be small and move the search. However, it is different if you often download applications that are not important.

To make it easier for searches with a long list of applications, you need to remember the front letter of the application you're looking for. After that, scroll down the screen according to the alphabet you remember, then tap on the app for download.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)