JAKARTA When iOS 18 is launched, Apple Intelligence will be integrated into several applications, one of which is Apple Music. The iPhone developer will add some new features on the music platform. One of the features found by 9to5mac is the ability to create playlist covers with Artificial Intelligence (AI) support. This still developed feature will include a Image Create button when the user edits playlists or playlists. When the button is clicked, the user will open a Playground Image, one of the features of Apple Intelligence. This feature, which was introduced in the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024, can create any image through the command put forward. Image Playground's resulting images can vary, ranging from animation, illustrations, to sketches. For now, this AI-based image maker has not been able to produce a realistic image or similar to a real object.

It's not yet known what this feature looks like. However, it looks like the Create Image button will ask what cover the user wants to create, then the Image Playground will produce an image and users can select the image. For now, the AI-based playlist cover imager feature is still visible in string form. That is, this feature is still far from the stable release stage. This imager feature is also not yet visible in the beta testing version. It is not certain whether this feature will be available directly on Apple Music when iOS 18 is launched. The reason is, some AI features in Apple Intelligence take until next year to be ready to roll out to all users.

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