JAKARTA - China has accused the electric car manufacturer Tesla of spying on the Xi Jinping Government. They also restrict Tesla's electric cars in several states.

In response to this, Tesla's boss immediately raised his voice. Elon Musk said that his party would shut down the company if the electric car made by Tesla was used for espionage.

"There is a very strong urge for us to keep any information secret", Musk said in a forum called the China Development Forum which was held online.

"If Tesla uses cars to spy on China or anywhere else, we will shut down", Musk added.

The forum is a high-level meeting in the business sector. Elon Musk gave his remarks by saying that he wanted mutual trust between the US and China.

According to Reuters, previously, the Tesla car was not allowed to enter the Chinese military complex for security reasons due to the presence of a camera in the electric car.

China also accused Tesla of being able to get important data when the car was used, anytime and anywhere. It is also reported that Tesla can track personal information such as contact numbers on cellphones and connected to Tesla cars, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.

China is worried that the data will be sent to the US. The reason is, the Tesla electric car is equipped with an Autopilot feature that allows the car to move on its own by utilizing a camera installed in the car.

The Chinese government began restricting Tesla's electric vehicles since high-ranking Chinese government officials met with the US government which was deployed in Alaska some time ago. This is the first time President Biden has met directly with the Chinese side since taking office.

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