JAKARTA Google has launched Android 15 Beta 4, the last beta update before its release stabilizes, on July 18, 2024. As usual, the latest beta version offers new features and bug fixes.

There are several features that have begun to be seen in this latest test, such as charging optimization features that will stop charging when the battery reaches 80 percent. There is also a device diagnostic tool to monitor battery health and storage.

The device's diagnostics contain two menus, namely Component Health and Evaluation Mode with different features. Especially for Manual Testing in Component Health, Google offers Display and Touch Testing.

Display Testing will help users in finding defects on their phones such as dead pixels. While Touch testing helps users in finding areas that are not responsive on the screen.

Meanwhile, the Android 15 beta 4 update has addressed some of the problems developers report, namely a contrast that makes the elements in the Fast Settings Unbin difficult to read and a case that causes Pixel devices to not want to be booted when resetting factories.

Another problem that is fixed is the failed app notification settings to be restored, difficulty in Face Unlock registration, system stability and connectivity issues, as well as Bluetooth which directly rejects installation requests.

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