JAKARTA Windows devices around the world are on strike due to experiencing the Blue Death of Screen (BDOS). This is a problem that arises when the computer does the booting process.

This problem has an impact on several sectors such as banking, the television industry, aviation, supermarkets, and various other businesses that rely on computers with the Windows operating system (OS).

Reporting from The Verge, this problem was first seen in Australia as banks, airlines, and television broadcasters sounded the alarm because their engines were off. In a very fast time, this problem began to appear in Europe.

Many flights have been canceled in the US indefinitely. As long as their communication problems have not been resolved, the flight fleet will be temporarily suspended.

In addition, several news broadcasters from various countries missed their event citing disruptions to broadcasts. One of the news broadcasters experiencing this problem is Sky News from England.

Once researched, this problem did not come from Microsoft, but from a third-party software called CrowdStrice which is widely used for businesses around the world. BSOD emerged as an update from CrowdStrike.

CrowdStrice CEO George Kurtz explained that the BSOD that attacked Windows users did not occur due to cyber attacks. Until now, CrowdStrice is actively working with several parties for BSOD.

"Host Mac and Linux are not affected. This is not a security incident or cyberattack. Problems have been identified, isolated, and improvements have been implemented," Kurtz said via platform X. "Today is not a security incident or cyberspace. Our customers remain fully protected."

Until this news was made, CrowdStrike was still trying to solve the technical problems that occurred. Kurtz said that his company would provide the latest news as long as the investigation runs.

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