JAKARTA Some time ago, Apple and Meta were reportedly discussing plans for an Artificial Intelligence (AI) partnership. However, Meta seems to have failed to bring its homemade chatbot to iOS 18. Quoted from a Bloomberg report, Apple has rejected a proposal Meta submitted a few months ago to integrate Meta AI chatbots to iOS 18. Before its proposal was rejected, the two companies had time to have an initial discussion. This discussion was held almost at the same time when Apple collaborated with Google and OpenAI. However, instead of running smoothly like any other company, Apple actually rejected Meta's proposal because of the privacy policy proposed. It was not explained in more detail about what privacy policy was proposed by Meta. At least, it was revealed that the Facebook and Instagram developer planned to integrate Llama into the iPhone operating system. Currently, Apple is busy developing Apple Intelligence to present various AI on-device features in iOS 18. In developing the innovation, Apple needed ChatGPT integration so that the company partnered with OpenAI.
This partnership was revealed when Apple held the 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) some time ago. Apart from adding ChatGPT to Apple Intelligence, this AI-based chatbot will also be added to Siri. Despite partnering with OpenAI, Apple plans to add more AI platforms in the future. Therefore, Apple is still exploring opportunities for cooperation with Google to build its basic AI model.
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