JAKARTA After launching TikTok Notes, a photo-sharing platform that included informative text, last April, TikTok has now launched the Whee application to share photos with closest friends. Although its function is not much different, namely to share photos, Whee can only be accessed in dozens of countries, including Indonesia. This is good news because TikTok Notes is not yet available in Indonesia to date. Found for the first time by Android Police, Whee developed by TikTok is almost similar to Instagram. Users can upload photos from galleries or live cameras, exchange messages with friends, and comment on photos from other users. "Take and share real-life photos that your friends can only see, allowing you to be the most authentic yourself," TikTok wrote in the description of the Whee app on the Google Play Store. From the display of the app shared, it can be seen that users can add filters into the photo they share. However, it is not explained whether this feature is a commonly found base filter or a more varied filter such as in the TikTok app.
It seems that Whee is still a trial app because TikTok has not provided any information about this application, moreover Whee can only be accessed on Android devices. This application is also inaccessible to Android users in the US. Whee and TikTok Notes have a different app look. The Whee app is almost similar to the Instagram interface, but TikTok Notes looks almost similar to Pinterest who can see posts from various users randomly.
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