The airline Archer Aviation has obtained permission to operate air taxis. This permit was granted directly by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) via Part 135 certification. With this certificate, Archer can operate air taxis commercially and perfect its system as well as flight procedures. As long as it operates air taxis, Archer must follow policies and safety standards from the FAA. In addition to obtaining Part 135 certification, Archer also received a Part 145 certification some time ago. With the provision of a Part 145 certification, Archer can provide special repair services to customers. Adam Goldstein, Founder and CEO of Archer Aviation, said that the acquisition of these two certificates was very helpful for the company. The reason is, the vertical take-off and landing plane (eVTOL) named Midnight can already be used as air taxis.

"Pencapaian ini mencerminkan dedikasi tim kami yang tak tergoyahkan terhadap keselamatan dan keunggulan operasional seiring kami mendirikan salah satu layanan taksi udara listrik pertama di dunia untuk masyarakat di seluruh Amerika," kata Goldstein. Archer berniat mengoperasikan Midnight untuk menggantikan fungsi dari mobil biasa. Mereka ingin mempersingkat durasi perjalanan di perkotaan. Jika mobil dapat menghabiskan waktu hingga 90 menit, taksi udara hanya memakan waktu hingga 20 menit. Midnight diklaim aman dan mendukung upaya berkelanjutan. Pesawat dengan kapasitas empat penumpang ini memiliki kebisingan yang sangat rendah dan lebih hemat biaya. Archer yakin bahwa taksi udara buatannya dapat mengubah perjalanan kota.

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