JAKARTA - Berhitting Barbara Systems, a subsidiary of General Dynamics in Spain, which is renovating the Leopard tank for delivery to Ukraine, is experiencing a cyberattack on its website. This is claimed by pro-Russian hacker groups.

A spokesman for General Dynamics also confirmed that the military contractor's defense unit in Spain was the target of cyber-attack efforts "which were immediately detected and did not interfere with any company's systems."

They said the company decided to temporarily shut down its website until the ongoing investigation was completed. "The company's sensitive data remains well protected," the spokesman added.

A spokesman for General Dynamics in Germany also said that all company operations in Europe were running normally.

Meanwhile, hacker group No Name claimed responsibility for the distributed rejection service (DDoS) attack via the Telegram messaging service.

Serangan jenis ini mengarahkan volume lalu lintas internet yang tinggi ke server yang ditargetkan untuk menutongnya secara offline.

"We sent our DDoS missile against a website in rusophobic Spain," the group wrote on Telegram on Tuesday, June 4.

NATO said last month that Russia was behind its increasingly intensive hybrid attack campaign against companies and infrastructure in its member states, accusations rejected by Russia as "misinformation."

According to the Spanish Ministry of Defense, Barbara has been assembling heavy vehicles such as Leopard tanks and artillery equipment for the Spanish army and has been involved in renovating an inactive Leopard tank for delivery to Ukrainian soldiers.

Spain's National Cybersecurity Institute has also warned the company in recent days of a possible such attack.

Spain last week pledged to provide military support worth 1 billion euros (IDR 17.7 trillion) to Ukraine this year, which according to local media reports includes 19 Leopard 2A4 tanks.

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