JAKARTA Incognito mode is one of the important features in Google Chrome. Using this feature, user activity will be kept secret because all history will be hidden by Chrome. However, many parents who don't like this feature because their child's internet activity will be hidden. If you don't like this feature, there's a way to do it. Here's how to turn off Incognito mode from Chrome, quoted from Makeuseof. Closing Incognito Mode on Chrome User Phones can't disable Incognito modes in their mobile phone apps. You can only get out of Incognito mode and go back to normal mode. Here's how to close the feature: 1. Open an open Incognito tab in your Chrome application2. Tap the sheaf box with numbers at the bottom of the screen3. After exiting the page view, click Edit in the bottom left corner4. Select the Close All Tab menu and you will close the Incognito Mode Deactivating Incognito Mode on Windows Chrome Users on the laptop can disable Incognito mode, but how to disable Windows and macOS devices are different. Here's how to turn off the incognito mode in Windows: 1. Open the homepage on Desktop and click Start. 2. Click the CMD in the search bar, right-click on the mouse or touchpad when the Command Prompt app is visible4. Select Run As a Prompt App. Run As a Prompt: REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google /v IncognitoModeAvaliability /t REG_DWORD /d 15. Press the Enter button on the keyboard after completion

Deactivating Incognito Mode on macOS Almost the same as Windows devices, Mac users must enter a code to disable Incognito mode. Here's how to disable it: 1. Click Open on Finder, then open Utilities2. Once the Utilities page opens, open the Terminal3 app. After the application window opens, prompt input: defaultswritecom.google.chromeIncognitoModeAvaliability-integer 1z4. When finished, click the Enter button on the keyboard

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