YOGYAKARTA What is the Earth's magnetic field can be understood as a space outside the magnet. Even though it is outside, the magnetic effect can still have an effect with a varied level of strength according to its distance.

This article will provide information about the earth's magnetic field is something important, not only its benefits but its understanding to its origins.

Magnetic fields or can be called geomagnetics are a field that exists on the inside of the planet, in this case is Earth. It should be noted that planets that have magnetic fields are not only Earth, some other planets have similar things. It's just that their strength varies. Mars, for example, whose magnetic field is very small, while Venus doesn't have it, reported by Sciencedirect.

Earth itself is the field of a giant planet. As a big planet, Earth has an area known as the magnetosphere, which is a layer of magnetic field that belongs to it.

The Earth's magnetic field also has a pole. Interestingly, the Earth's magnetic poles are located moving constantly. This means that the Earth's magnetic field does not have a fixed position. The move was caused by core fluctuations so that the Earth's magnetic field continued to change drastically. The North Pole of Earth's own magnet moves as far as 40 kilometers per year towards the Northwest since it was discovered.

Reporting from Earth's website, Earth's magnetic field comes from an area called the outer core, which is a layer in the form of liquid iron and nickel. It is located below the Earth's surface 2,890 kilometers deep.

The emergence of the Earth's own magnetic field is closely related to the geodynamic theory that occurs on Earth. The dynamo effect that produces the electric current then produces and retains the magent field. Simply put, the Earth's magnetic field is closely related to the dynamical processes that occur in the outer core of the Earth.

It should be understood that geodynamic theory for now is still based on available data and evidence. However, there are many other aspects that continue to be investigated and refined by scientists.

Reporting from the BMKG website, the magnetic field formed due to Earth's rotation activity produces a magnetic sheath or Magnetospher. The tube functions as a protector of Earth and its contents from other natural phenomena such as solar storms or Corona Mass Ejection (CME) activity as well as other dangerous cosmic storms.

Not only that, the geomagnetic data that has been collected has also been used as navigation even since the centenary century. The data is also used to find mineral ingredients, as well as to know the space weather.

Not only for humans, but scientists say sharks use the earth's magnetic field for navigation. With the magnetic field, sharks can travel long distances.

That's information regarding what the earth's magnetic field is. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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