JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology admits that they are currently still in the discussion stage with many stakeholders to determine suitable incentives for telecommunications service providers or cellular operators.

Nevertheless, the Director General of Resources and Postal and Informatics Devices, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ismail will ensure that this incentive can benefit not only South Sumatra, but also the public.

"What is the form, we are indeed discussing it. What is certain is that we, the condition is that the incentives can be felt directly by the community. We do not provide incentives for operators, but provide incentives through operators for the needs of the community," said Ismail on Friday, May 17 in Jakarta.

Ismail also emphasized that there is an incentive so that all parties can get convenience, starting from payment. So that later, people can enjoy at a price that can still be reached.

"So we have to make sure that, what form, which can be enjoyed by the community after you get a "facilitation" from the government. That's what we continue to discuss with operators, the discussion has been long and we have received many proposals from operators," he continued.

Thus, people in remote areas who previously did not receive a signal can get a signal. Then, the quality of the network also improved. "Those who previously downloaded the speed were only 20 mbps could increase to 30 or 40," said Ismail.

However, Ismail could not confirm when this incentive-related policy could be released. To be sure, Kominfo is targeting to release it this year. "We are working hard to solve it."

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