The Acting Assistant for Special Crimes at the West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office, Ely Rahmawati, revealed that the state losses that arose in the alleged corruption case in the management of NTB Provincial Government assets for the construction of the NTB Convention Center (NCC) amounted to Rp15.2 billion.

"The results of the auditor stated that the state loss was approximately Rp. 15.2 billion," said Ely after participating in the detention of the suspect in the NCC case at the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Mataram, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 7.

He ensured that the value of the loss appeared in the asset management cooperation process that had been running since 2012.

"Essentially, the criminal act of corruption in asset management turns out to be irregularities in the cooperation between the NTB Provincial Government and PT Lombok Plaza, resulting in state losses," he said.

In handling this case, the former Director of PT Lombok Plaza for the 2012 to 2016 term with the initials DS as a suspect.

Investigators named DS as a suspect after carrying out a forced pick-up at his home in Bali on Tuesday afternoon (7/1).

The forced pick-up was followed up by examining DS as a witness and continuing on to determine the suspect according to a letter of determination from the Head of the NTB Prosecutor's Office.

Investigators continued the determination by entrusting DS's detention at the Class II A Prison in West Lombok.

"So, starting today for the next 20 days, the investigator will undergo the first detention at the Class II A Prison in West Lombok," he said.

In the investigation, Ely explained that investigators had examined 26 witnesses.

"This last witness is DS, which we will determine directly as a suspect," he said.

The NTB Prosecutor's Office has determined the status of case handling to the investigation stage based on the issuance of an Investigation Order of the Head of the West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office Number: PRINT-09/N.2/Fd.1/10/2024 dated October 2, 2024.

The increase in the status of handling this case after the prosecutor's office found that the mensrea had committed an unlawful act that resulted in indications of state financial losses.

Indications of state financial losses in this case arise from the cooperation process between the NTB Provincial Government and PT Lombok Plaza as the implementer of NCC development and management.

The NTB Provincial Government's assets in the form of an area of 31,963 square meters in collaboration with PT Lombok Plaza for the construction of the NCC aim to accommodate international standard convention activities.

Initially, the NTB Provincial Government collaborated on development and management with PT Indosinga Invetama Lombok.

In the draft PT Indosinga Invetama Lombok, the construction of the NCC building which occupies a government area of 3.2 hectares in Mataram City is worth IDR 384 billion.

The company based in Bali belongs to a foreign national from Singapore. The cooperation that was built used the Build On Operate Transfer (BOT) system or built managed and controlled for 30 years.

From the cooperation contract which was then signed by the Governor of NTB TGH Muhammad Zainul Majdi with the Director of PT Indosinga, the NTB Provincial Government will receive compensation of Rp12 billion.

However, after the agreement, the construction did not go according to the agreement. According to the news, the Director of PT Indosinga Lim Chong Siong died so that the cooperation did not continue.

Then, at the end of April 2013, the NTB Provincial Government announced the winner of the tender for the NCC development project worth Rp360 billion, namely PT Lombok Plaza based in Bali and Lombok.

PT Lombok Plaza beat its rival PT Blitz Property based in Jakarta. The two investors are part of eight investors undergoing a beauty count held by the NTB Provincial Government in late 2012.

As the winner of the tender, PT Lombok Plaza took over the management of assets belonging to the NTB Provincial Government by tearing down the building that had previously been built by PT Indosinga. The buildings are the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Health Laboratory and offices.

Until now, it is known that the area is still in the form of vacant land. There are allegations of a cooperation project with PT Lombok Plaza stalled or not running according to the agreement.

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