YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever uploaded a video to a WhatsApp story but the results are blurry or not clear? This is also complained by many WA users when sharing video content through the story feature. But don't be confused, there is a way so that WA video stories don't get blurry.

Every WA user wants to share their moments or experiences through video content that looks clear. Unfortunately, some conditions make the videos uploaded in WA stories look blurry or become bloating different from the original.

This condition is certainly annoying and confused about the cause. When the quality of the video uploaded in the WA story looks blurry, it means that the size of the compressed file becomes smaller. So how can you make WA video stories not blurry and can be clearly visible?

There are several things that need to be considered when you want to upload a video in the WA story so that the results are maximized. The WhatsApp platform has a special setting that will adjust or fit in size video according to the format of them.

If the size or format of the video posted is too large, the WA app will automatically reduce the size of the file. As a result, the uploaded video also looks unclear or blurry. In addition, unstable networks can also cause WA video stories to become blurry.

So that video uploads can be clear or clear, here are some ways so that WA video stories are not blurry:

The first step you can do is to change the WA setting on the device. You as a user need to change the quality of the uploaded media in WA to be set in the best quality. The following tutorial changes the settings.

Another way that you can practice to solve this problem is to send it to other users and then continue it as a WA story. Indeed, not many know this trick. Here are the steps to do this method:

When uploading video content to WA stories, make sure the internet connection is in stable condition. The process of uploading videos requires a smooth internet connection. If the internet tends to be slow or stagnant, the results of video uploads can become blurry or appear to break.

The safest way to make WA video stories not blurry is to record directly from this feature. The WA application provides a WA story feature that allows users to create status directly in the form of text, photos, and videos.

The steps are like the usual WA story creation process. You just need to tap or click the camera icon in the WA status bar. Then your phone's camera opening will be displayed, which can be adjusted to the front and rear cameras. Then just hold the circle button at the bottom to record the video. After that, you just have to post the video into a WA story.

Those are some ways so that WA video stories are not blurry that you can apply. If you want to upload video content through the story feature, you should do the steps above so that the results appear maximal or clear. Also read how to download Instagram reels with audio.

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