JAKARTA - Legal issues ensnare the technology giant, Apple. The company from the United States (US) was sued in an Australian Court.

The reason is, two Apple products, namely the iPhone X and Apple Watch Nike Plus, reportedly exploded due to overheating. This incident injured iPhone X and Apple Watch users, both of whom suffered burns to their respective body parts.

The two victims were Robert De Rose and David Borg. The two of them filed a lawsuit with the help of the Carbone Lawyers law firm. Apple is required to compensate for the incident.

Tony Carbone as the manager of Carbone Lawyers stated that De Rose suffered second degree burns due to his iPhone X exploding in his pants pocket. This incident occurred in April 2019.

Carbone explained that at that time the user was not using the device, but suddenly the device exploded.

“The client heard a popping sound and a hissing sound, then he felt a burning sensation in his leg. When he took his cell phone out of his pocket, he saw black smoke coming out of his cell phone”, said Carbone.

As a result of this incident, De Rose had to be treated for more than 6 weeks. Until now, the burns left a scar up to 25 cm long.

"He (De Rose) wants to make sure incidents like this don't happen again", added Carbone.

De Rose admitted that he had repeatedly contacted Apple but was never responded to. The second victim was David Borg, a user of the Apple Watch Nike Plus 3 series. His wrist caught fire when the smartwatch from Apple overheated.

De Rose and Borg filed a lawsuit claiming that the iPhone X and Apple Watch Nike Plus Series 3 products were "security flaws" under Australian Consumer Law law.

Carbone revealed that the two clients demanded compensation for medical treatment costs and other losses incurred due to injuries caused by the two Apple devices.

“We are talking about a multibillion-dollar company. This device has also been tested. Anyone with a cell phone or smartwatch would never have expected this to happen", said Carbone.

Cited from news.com.au, at this time, Apple revealed that they were aware of the lawsuit filed against them. The company is also currently reviewing the case.

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