YOGYAKARTA The phenomenon of the process of a total solar eclipse involves Earth and the Moon. As a result, the hemisphere that is supposed to dim until it resembles the night.
Quoted from the official website of the National Research and Innovation Agency, the Sun eclipse can occur when the sun's rays are blocked by the moon. At that time the Moon's shadow will fall on Earth. Earth's territory under the shadow of the Moon's core will experience a total solar eclipse, while the Earth's territory below the penumbra will have a partial solar eclipse.
This article will provide information regarding the total solar eclipse, including how the eclipse can occur.
As is known, eclipses are natural phenomena involving the Earth, the Sun, and the Moon in certain positions. There are several eclipses that can occur, one of which is the eclipse of the Sun.
The total eclipse is an eclipse that occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, aka one line. When the three components of the solar system are in one line, the Moon's shadow will fall to parts of the Earth's face, causing a dark sensation even during the day.
Simply put, the eclipse of the Sun can occur because the light of the Sun that should be shining on the Earth is blocked by the Moon so that the area that should be bright will become dark for a moment.
It must be noted that the total solar eclipse event will not occur on all Earth's surfaces, even only in some areas. In addition, not all areas can be used to see the total solar eclipse but the region moves. This can happen because of the effect of the turnover of the axis and the position of the Earth that surrounds the Sun and the Moon orbiting the Earth.
The process of a total solar eclipse only occurred for 6 to 7 minutes, starting and ending with a partial solar eclipse.
Total solar eclipses can be seen by humans but experts warn to remain careful because it is feared that it will damage the sense of vision. The way to see a total solar eclipse is with special glasses.
The glasses are designed to filter the sunlight so that it is safer in the eyes. In addition, they usually use other tools such as telescopes and binoculars.
Seeing the total solar eclipse can be done without any tools or assistance or using the naked eye but only remain limited and in a short time.
When there is a total solar eclipse, the earth will experience little change. The following is the effect of a total solar eclipse that may occur on Earth.
Areas affected by the Moon's shadow will experience a significant decrease in temperature. This happened because the radiation of the Sun, which had previously stripped the atmosphere, was suddenly blocked.
The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse will have an impact on changes in light that are starting to fade. Even the effect can resemble the late afternoon.
Ahead of the solar eclipse, animals will behave unusually. Even animals that are active at night are likely to come out.
In addition to the process of a total solar eclipse, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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