Panasonic Collaborates With Jasmy To Present IoT-Based Web3 Platform
Illustration of Personal Data Locker from Jasmy and Panasonic. (photo: x @HARA_JasmyCFO)

JAKARTA - The giant technology company Panasonic has partnered with Jasmy to launch a Web3 platform linking personal data to Internet-of-Things (IoT). This new platform will be based on Jasmy products, namely Personal Data Locker.

Jasmy is a company that develops technology platforms that focus on personal data storage and management in the context of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and blockchain technology.

Developers of the IoT, Jasmy, and Panasonic Advanced Technology platforms started their collaboration in February, but announced it on March 26. The new platform will provide safe data storage and provide users with control over access to their data, as well as increase processing and reaction time. According to their statement:

"This platform combines flexible development methods into Web3 technology and is developed with emphasis on speed. We will implement [platform] the public as an open platform, recruit users widely, and aim to use it in various fields."

Jasmy's Chief Financial Officer, Hiroshi Harada, who uses Hara's name on social media, stated that the new platform will be built in "3-6 months."

According to the Jasmy website, with Personal Data Locker, only hash values are managed on the blockchain while data files are stored in a decentralized network. Thanks to this system, the storage capacity of single blocks and the size of large files are not an obstacle to performance.

Jasmy was founded by former Sony executive in 2016 and listed JasmyCoin (JASMY) on the stock exchange in 2021. The company stated on its website that it is "named Bitcoin Japan." As explained on its website, traders pay Jasmy to use the data he and data owner of JASMY data in return.

Jasmy announced the launch of the DePIN project called Janction earlier this month. The project aims to form a GPU colony into a layer-2 and AI public service center.

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