JAKARTA - The Bumble online dating app, launched a new artificial intelligence (AI)-supported feature, which will help users identify fake profiles, scams and spams.

Called theculon Detector, this feature is meant to help users find and take action on malicious content in its app.

The Deception Detector is our latest innovation as part of our ongoing commitment to the community to help ensure that the connections made on our app are genuine," Bumble CEO Limane Jones said in a statement to TechCrunch.

In the testing phase, the company said that this AI-backed feature could automatically block 95% of accounts identified as spam or scam accounts.

In fact, in the first two months of testing, Bumble saw user reports about spam, fraud, and fake accounts reduced by 45%.

The company introduced this feature when Bumble's internal research showed that fake profiles and fraudulent risks are the user's main concerns when dating online.

"With a special focus on women's online experiences, we realize that in the AI era, trust is more important than ever before," concluded Jones.

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