YOGYAKARTA How to avoid being banned during TikTok live streaming? Come on, see the following explanation.

TikTok is a music video platform that is very popular with the public. TikTok has a live stream feature that users can use to increase interaction with followers, look for additional income, to increase visibility.

Meanwhile, for business people, the TikTok live streaming feature can be used to market products, increase brand awareness, and build communities.

However, TikTok live streaming should not be done carelessly. Creators need to follow the guidance of the platform community so they don't get banned while live on TikTok.

Summarized from various sources, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, here's how you don't get banned during TikTok's live streaming.

1. Don't say rude things during live streaming

TikTok is a very sensitive platform. Therefore, try not to say rude words while live on TikTok. If you violate this provision, your account can be banned by TikTok.

2. Don't involve small children

The community guide set by TikTok is very strict. Creators are not prioritized to involve small children when doing live streaming.

This guide is made to prevent exploitation of children. Therefore, do not invite children to on-cam while live on TikTok.

3. Not promoting prohibited products

Before doing live TikTok for business purposes, you should check the goods to be promoted.

Do not let the products you promote fall into the category of products that are prohibited by TikTok, such as weapons, sharp objects, toxic objects, dangerous objects, illegal drugs, and animals.

4. Avoid wearing open clothes

Don't wear clothes that are too exposed like skirts or pants that are too short and so on. TikTok is more striking about this, especially if you represent a brand or company.

5. Not mentioning the name of the product

Not a few creators mention the name of a product or brand when they are live streaming for business purposes. This activity can be considered a copyright and trademark infringement.

Instead, the creator can just name the object, so that the account is not banned temporarily by TikTok.

6. Don't mention other platforms

Apart from mentioning product brands, creators are also not allowed to call other platforms that TikTok considers competitors.

7. Invite the audience to interact

The last way to avoid being banned during TikTok live streaming is to invite an audience to interact. This needs to be done so that you are not read as a robot (bot) or using a video recording.

Please note, community guides created by TikTok prohibit creators from using video recordings for live streaming. To avoid such violations, creators can invite audiences to interact.

There are several characteristics of TikTok accounts being banned, including:

That's information about how not to get banned during TikTok live streaming. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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