Senator Nebraska Proposes Bill To Establish Basic Cryptocurrency Standards In State
Senator of Nebraska State, Eliot Bostar (right), introduced the 911 legislative bill (photo: x @BostarEliot)

JAKARTA - On January 5, the Senator of the State of Nebraska, Eliot Bostar, introduced a 911 legislative bill aimed at adopting the Blockchain Basics Act. The bill aims to form regulations to encourage a safe and legal mining environment, holder, and cryptocurrency trading for residents of Nebraska State.

Blockchain Basics Act will allow individuals to run blockchain nodes and perform crypto mining operations on residential properties without requiring special permission. However, all operators must also comply with local noise regulations. Meanwhile, crypto businesses are required to operate only from designated industrial zones.

The bill also prohibits political subdivision from ruling out existing noise limits, imposing new requirements that do not apply to data centers, or zoning changes. In addition, the Blockchain Basics Act will not consider staking services as securities in Nebraska.

Furthermore, the bill will protect the rights of any investor to self-custody and provide protection against the mitigating crypto tax in Nebraska. In line with Bostar's efforts to create a fair playground for crypto, California State Senator Steve Padilla, introduced two bills to create a "safe and ethical" framework for artificial intelligence service providers (AI) operating in the state on January 4.

If passed into law, Senate Bill 892 will require the California Department of Technology to set security, privacy and non-discrimination standards for AI services within the state.

Meanwhile, the 893 Senate Bill will require the Government Operations Agency, the Governor's Office for Business and Economic Development, and the Technology Department to establish an AI research center within the state.

According to Padilla, the proposed legislation will help stop the monopoly of several companies controlling AI's future.

"This is a public good that must benefit all in our society," Padilla said, "And we must make public investments to prevent some billionaires from controlling our future."

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