YOGYAKARTA The autocorrect feature in Microsoft Word (Ms Word) sometimes quite disrupts activities. This happens because of the mismatch of language settings. To get rid of it, know how to turn off MS Word's autocorrect easily offline.

Turning off the autocorrect feature will help writers write words in Indonesian appropriately. In addition, it also helps writers avoid Indonesian typo.

How to disable MS Word's autocorrect is actually quite easy. You can do it on your laptop work offline. Follow the following steps to turn off the autocorrect feature.

For those of you who want to adjust the autocorrect Word feature in Indonesian, follow the following steps.

The arrangement of autocorrect Word into Indonesian helps mergoreksi typo maupun kata non-baku menjadi baku. For example, when accidentally typing Aqu then the autocorrect system automatically replaces it to Aku.

The Indonesian language autocorrect feature really helps writers choose the standard word according to the rules of the Indonesian or KBBI that apply.

In addition, users can also set automatic corrections to words that are often mistyped (saltics) aka typo. The method that can be done is as follows.

In addition to autocorrecting, MS Word also has various other features. For example, making a list of automasis in Microsoft Word.

In addition, users are also advised to know how to display navigation panels in Microsoft Word to make it easier to change pages.

That's information regarding how to turn off Ms Word's Autocorrect. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)