Scientists Reveal How Humans Can Communicate With Aliens And Prevent Inter-Galaxy Wars
Dr. Douglas Vakoch, an astrobiologist who chooses how to communicate with aliens. (photo: x @TheWellPod)

JAKARTA - A new scientific study has revealed how humans can establish contact with aliens in space, even prevent war between galaxies if successful.

As many as 25 leading experts in linguistics, anthropology, animal communication, philosophy, computer science, and biology have compiled the most comprehensive volume of 'extra-terrestrial science' to date. The goal is to ensure that any contact with extra-terrestrial life is friendly and is not considered a threat.

A 2020 study in the Astrophysical Journal estimates that there are about 36'sophisticated' civilizations only in the Milky Way Galaxy, although identifying or contacting one of them is still beyond human reach.

This volume was contributed by leading experts such as Noam Chomsky, a US political and social scientist known as a'modern linguistic man'.

Dr. Douglas Vakoch, an astrobiologist who is the volume editor, told the media he is optimistic about it. "I think it's realistic that we can in life send messages through the Seti program (search for extra-terrestrial intelligence) or send messages that one day can get replies," Vakoch said, quoted by VOI from DailyMail.

For decades, humans have been investigating the possibility of intelligent life in outer space and have even sent signals and communications in hopes of one day receiving a response. This includes the delivery of Voyager rides out of our solar system, equipped with a 'Golden Record' containing greetings in 54 languages, animal greeting sounds, and music.

This new study uses current understanding of human language and various ways of communicating animals with the aim of uncovering ways of 'decoding intentional communications from other worlds'.

Scientists suggest sending short and simple signals to 'a million stellar systems every day'. If alien contacts have ever been detected, they suggest humans to send exactly the same message as proof of acceptance before trying to decode the message.

While there is little chance of successfully contacting alien life, the study highlights that there are still many steps needed on Earth to increase human chances.

One of them is decoding ancient languages that have never been translated, including Linear A, a writing system used by the Minian people in Crete up to 1,400 BC found in artefacts but has never been decrypted.

The authors hope that academics can create their own Rosetta rock, or manual pseudo translation, which includes keywords that may have meaning throughout space.

Although the communication process will be slow as it will take four years to reach the nearest star besides the Sun at a speed of light, this study highlights that a civilization that is advanced enough to send a message will likely have important features shared, such as 'use of tools, use of symbols, communications, culture creation, and curiosity'.

The volume states that this means'many human language features may be shared with extraterrestrial'. He added, 'Our efforts to unravel alien messages are more likely to work if we can start with simple messages and work from there.'

If this approach is not taken, it is feared that relations with alien life will remain 'like refugees waving at each other from separate islands, realizing the existence of each other but never being able to know more.

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