JAKARTA - Huawei Indonesia has again successfully held the annual Huawei Indonesia Supply Convention 2023 event as an appreciation event for supplier partners in order to garner collaboration and innovation with all stakeholders.

The event, entitled For the Digital and Golden Future of Indonesia Collaborative, Innovative, Win-Win is Huawei's effort to contribute to the success of the Government's program in realizing the development of ICT network infrastructure towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

On the occasion, Huawei shared insights into the latest business trends in the world of ICT as a strategic guide for top management to plan a business strategy that is in line with the growing trend.

In addition, Huawei introduced ICT solutions that can be used by suppliers to improve efficiency and quality during project implementation.

On that occasion, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said that the role of the digital economy in the global economy continues to experience a positive growth rate in line with the widespread implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions.

This condition reflects great potential in the global ICT business, including in Indonesia. For this reason, Kominfo appreciates Huawei in establishing good collaborations with local business partners so that it can be involved in the digital transformation process in the country.

"About 90% of Huawei's 250 suppliers are native Indonesian companies. Of course, this should be appreciated because it shows Huawei's strong commitment to collaborating with its local partners to support digital transformation in Indonesia," said Nezar, quoted Monday, December 4.

Guo Hailong, CEO of Huawei Indonesia expressed his appreciation for the support and cooperation of suppliers who have supported the development of Huawei's business in Indonesia.

"To support Indonesia as one of the global economic powers, Huawei needs supplier partners in building 5G connectivity and fiber optic and digital power networks that are needed in the digital era in the future," he said.

Huawei Indonesia Supply Convention 2023 is a form of appreciation and continued collaboration to form the digital future of Indonesia Gold.

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