JAKARTA – Google Maps is one of the best places when someone wants to find out about a place. Moreover, the place being searched for had never been visited before.
It would be great if the reviews or reviews of the place are up to par. However, in some cases, Google found that some parties were attempting to create fake reviews, either to attack specific parties or to improve their own reviews.
This action clearly violates Google's policy, which tries every day to ensure that the information on Maps is accurate. Therefore, Google is increasing their efforts to address the manipulation of reviews and other content on Maps.
First, Google is trying to develop their system to detect unusual content distribution patterns. When the system detects suspicious activity such as giving 1-star reviews in a row, the Google team will immediately check it.
Later, the Google team will temporarily turn off the rating function in affected places. Google will also remove reviews deemed to violate policies and vet the account.
Furthermore, Google will monitor places that are most likely to be targets for content abuse when a topic is being widely discussed. For example, when the United States is holding an election, Google will pay attention to the location of the polling stations on Maps.
This is deemed necessary to do so that certain parties do not spread disinformation in that location. Google will also temporarily block editing of phone numbers, addresses and other information.
Lastly, Google also continues to monitor places that they don't think require any reviews such as prisons and police stations. These places will limit review contributions to their ratings and block certain types of content.
Google is making all these efforts to improve the user experience on Maps. Even though Google is currently only focusing on three efforts, they will develop their techniques so that prevention can be carried out more thoroughly in the future.
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