YOGYAKARTA An autoimmune disease of a health disorder where immunity that should protect the body from the virus actually attacks healthy cells that are important for the body. This disease in general cannot be cured but can be controlled. Patients who have this condition must know which ones are allowed and what are not allowed, one of which is knowing foods that are prohibited for autoimmune diseases as one of its control strategies.

In addition to running exercise for autoimmune sufferers on a regular basis, patients must also avoid unhealthy foods. This helps reduce the risk of signs and symptoms from unwanted autoimmune conditions.

Reporting from Antara, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Sports Nutrition Experts Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN, M.Kes explained, autoimmune sufferers are obliged to avoid foods that trigger severe work immunity cells. Several types of food that are better avoided by autoimmune sufferers are as follows.

Calorie foods are needed as an energy source. However, if it contains high calories, the body will store the remaining calories into fat. Autoimmune sufferers who have high fats will trigger negative signals in the metabolic system.

"The excess non-essential fat will give a negative signal on the metabolic body, this will trigger an increase in work in immune cells," Rita said, quoted November 11.

For this reason, autoimmune patients must pay attention to calories in food. It is not recommended to eat high-calorie foods.

Autoimmune sufferers are not advised to consume too much sugar. Sugar can trigger the reproduction of pathogenic microbes to put pressure on the microbiota. When that happens, the intestines will channel substances into the body without any filtering process.

"Additional chemical zones and excess fat and cholesterol will also be absorbed and all of that will trigger the work of immune cells," explained Rita.

Sugar will also trigger insulin, which if the content is high in the blood, will trigger inflammation.

The impact of saturated fat on food will trigger high insulin production. Examples of foods that contain saturated fat such as red meat, ice cream, butter, and many more.

"Just like sugar, saturated fat will also increase insulin production in the body and have an impact on inflammation and excess calories," he added.

Autoimmune sufferers are also not advised to eat chemically-contained foods such as preservatives, flavor boosters, and other substances. This will make immune cells work hard.

Rita menjelaskan, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien autoimun mengalami likigan (kebocoran dari intestinal). Karena itu pasien tidak dijukan mengonsumsi zat berparticle besar karena akan terdeteksi sebagai zat asing.

Those are some foods that are prohibited for autoimmune diseases. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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