YOGYAKARTA YouTube's popular video platform will present a new feature called YouChat. Interestingly, this new feature will be equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Then what is the real YouChat?
YouTube's YouChat is an AI-based chatbot that is being developed by YouTube. The existence of YouChat will allow users to communicate with YouTube users without disturbing video playback. This means that videos played by users will not stop even at the same time users access chatbots.
The benefits of YouChat are to provide answers to user questions about the videos they watch, get video recommendations, and get information available on YouTube.
Quoted from the openaisea website, YouChat is supported by a sophisticated language model by relying on a very large collection of text and code data. That way YouTube's chatbots are able to understand and respond to various instructions and questions.
The YouChat feature is still in the testing phase, but YouTube says that this feature will be released soon. In the early stages, the company will introduce this feature to YouTube Premium users but it is still limited in the United States.
Later this chatbot will appear with the question mark logo. How to use it is also quite easy so that it can be understood by all users without age limit in the following way, quoted from openaisea, Friday, November 10.
The presence of YouTube's YouChat is quite beneficial for users. Some of the benefits that can be felt are as follows.
Users will gain a deeper understanding of the topics promoted by the video according to your preferences. In fact, the understanding is not limited, users can find out who is involved in the video to the background and history of the topic.
Users will get other video recommendations based on user interests and preferences. Recommended videos are also more targeted.
YouChat AI can simplify the information search process, eliminate the need to leave videos or search the internet.
YouTube will also present additional features from other AI-based tools. The platform recently announced the existence of the tool in September at the It's Made on YouTube show.
Several other features such as YouTube Create are new applications that are able to optimize edits, effects, filters, and video transitions. In addition, there is Dream Screen to Aloud in the form of AI-based voice-revolving tools.
Apart from what YouChat is related, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)