JAKARTA - Riding public transportation is now easier with various updates from Google, both updates on Google Wallet and a ticket purchase system on Google Maps.

Through the company's official release, Google has added a view update on Google Wallet to show Recent Activities. This page will display the user's travel history.

Using a public vehicle special card is easy because users just have to paste the card, but they won't know the amount of money they have spent if they don't count it themselves.

By using Google Pay, all payments will be recorded in Recent Activities so that users can see the amount of money that has been spent per day or per week.

Users can monitor their expenses so that unwanted activities do not occur. A feature that helps users to save money.

Google Wallet can also show changes and delays in public transportation in its app, but this feature is only available for public transport users on Brighton and Hove Buses, UK.

Apart from Wallet, Google also includes Google Pay payments to Google Maps. If usually users can only see the transportation route, now they can buy tickets directly on Maps.

Unfortunately, Indonesia has not been able to feel this update. Since its launch in March this year, Google Wallet has not been available in Indonesia. Even when Google expanded its reach to 39 countries, Indonesia was still not included.

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