JAKARTA - When you decide to create or join social media, you definitely need a username (username), which will serve as your account identity.
On Instagram, Facebook, or X, you can easily change your username. Just like on other social media, Bluesky also gives users the ability to change the username.
How To Change User Name (Handle) In Bluesky
Although the mention is different, Bluesky's handle is the same as usernames on other social media. Handle is not something you might change frequently, because it is usually useful for building a branding of yourself or products on a platform.
However, there may be a situation where you want to change your Bluesky handle. Fortunately, changing it isn't as difficult as finding ways to get Bluesky's invitation code. Here are the steps you need to take:
This change will be saved if the handle of your choice is still available or not used by others. Otherwise, you will be notified that the handle is already in use, and you are asked to try something else.
How To Change Bluesky's Display Name
Your display name is still an important aspect of your Bluesky presence. It appears on your profile above your handle and in your post.
Your display name is what users will see in their notifications when you like or respond to posts. Here's how to change Bluesky's display name:
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