JAKARTA - Some time ago, Hoomy AI, a technology company focused on artificial intelligence and interior design, announced the launch of the first AI Interior Design technology in Indonesia.

Hoomy Interior Design's AI technology is an intelligent platform that uses artificial intelligence to produce aesthetic and functional interior designs.

Using advanced algorithms, the platform will consider designs tailored to user preferences, space size, budget, to provide personalized and unique design solutions.

The main advantage of this technology is its ability to provide fast and accurate design proposals, allowing homeowners to visualize the potential of their space in a short time.

In addition, the platform also enables collaboration between homeowners and professional interior designers, and speeds up the decision-making process and increases customer satisfaction.

"We are very proud to launch the first AI Interior Design Technology in Indonesia. This is a big step in advancing the interior design industry in our country," said Hoomy AI CEO, Risma in a statement.

Risma and Hoomy AI believe that this technology will help meet the need for innovative, fast and affordable design solutions.

Not only for residential homes, Hoomy's AI Interior Design technology also supports various types of property, including apartments, offices and other commercial spaces.

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