YOGYAKARTA - The size of each woman's breasts is influenced by various factors, such as genetics, hormones, age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Many methods are claimed to be able to raise breasts, but not all of these methods are safe and effective. How to raise breasts naturally and quickly is important to consider as a relatively safe and self-consistent way.

There are women who are comfortable with appearances without having to pay attention to breast sizes. However, there are also those who feel insecure and want to do some ways to raise breasts.

Although the size of the breast does not determine the beauty or self-worth of a woman, many women want large breasts to support their body beauty. Some women even believe that the large breast size is associated with the attractiveness of women.

Illustration (Antonius Ferret/Pexels)

The following is how to raise breasts naturally and quickly:

Breast size can be applied manually or by performance engineering. One trick is to use a brush-upbra. Push-upbra is a bra with thicker foam. The force is useful as a cushion that lifts the breasts, so that the breasts look bigger and full. However, because it is just a facilitating, the size of the breasts doesn't actually change. This method only changes the appearance of the outside.

In addition to wearing a push-up bra, bra pads can also be used to increase breast volume. This pillow or pad is made of foam or silicon so that it can give a large breast impression. This method is also fairly economical, because it only needs to buy one pair of bra pads that can be added to various types of bras owned.

Another tip that can be done is using a bra tape. The bra tape is a special selotip that is useful for lifting breasts. The method of use can be adjusted to the type of clothing to be worn. The example of its use, namely:

Cut the deposits as long as necessary to reach from below the breasts to the shoulders. Lift the breasts as needed, then paste the clips starting from below the breasts.

Cut the cell tape as long as necessary to reach both breasts. Lift the breasts in order to collect them in the middle, then paste them with insertions from the left side of the breast to the right. Add tape from the bottom to the top of the breasts until all the breasts are covered and the nipples are invisible.

Push-up exercises can help strengthen the chest muscles located below the breasts. The results can lift the breasts if done regularly. Start by doing 10 push-ups in 2 or 3 sets every day. This intensity can be increased along with getting used to doing training.

Dumble chest press exercises can be done regularly at home. Reported byHealthline, the dumble chest press aims to strengthen muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceptions. This exercise can be done as much as 2 to 3 sets every day.

The steps in the dumble chest press exercise are:

Yoga is one type of exercise that helps improve body posture. The cobra movement in yoga can also help tighten the chest muscles and can raise the breast posture so that it will look bigger and denser.

Breast massage with olive oil can make the breast look bigger. This breast massage can make blood circulation smooth. Reported by Style Craze, olive oil contains oleuropein which can increase IGF levels. In a study on animals, high IGF levels are associated with an increase in breast size. In general, olive oil is a source of antioxidants that have anti-aging effects. Zap oil can be used to slow down the breast sagging process.

Phytoestrogen is a compound that is naturally found in plants. Consumption of phytoestrogen-rich foods will help to increase the size of the breast. Some foods that contain phytoestrogen, namely walnuts, black tea, green tea, green beans, soybean sprouts, semangga, red wine, raspberry and dry plums.

These methods are a natural and safe way to raise breasts that can be done by yourself. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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