JAKARTA - Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) politician Ronald Aristone Sinaga or who is familiarly called Bro Ron criticized PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or (BRI) through his social media account.

Bro Ron emphasized that the problems that are currently circulating in the community are not the result of his actions, but from BRI internally.

"Hey admin account @bankbri_id before trying to grab me, clean up your internal first," he wrote in the personal upload of the official Instagram account @brorondm, quoted on Sunday, February 2.

Bro Ron revealed that on the previous Thursday, he had tried to clarify the matter with the head of the BRI branch personally via direct message. However, he felt that his actions were actually met with intimidation by BRI's social media admins.

"Today I feel intimidated by the social media admin @bankbri_id," he added.

Bro Ron emphasized that in the future, if there are similar findings in the community, he will ask for clarification openly on social media without going through personal channels.

"In the future, I will ask for an open clarification in all findings in the community in this media, without any more Prosecutors," said Bro Ron.

Furthermore, he reminded BRI not to feel that they could act carelessly just because they were large state-owned companies.

"Don't because you feel that the SOE GIANT can all or arbitrarily intimidate you people," he said.

Bro Ron reminded BRI to resolve their internal problems before daring to attack or respond to criticism that came. "Press your house before pretending to hit me!" he concluded.

As for the findings that are in the public spotlight, this is related to the alleged deduction of the Indonesia Smart Program (PIP) funds carried out by SDN 02 Lumpang, Parung Panjang District, Bogor Regency, namely the principal there, is said to have cut Rp. 150,000 for council members and Rp. 35,000 for BRI administration costs. This problem has triggered polemics and has become public attention, considering that the PIP program is intended to help underprivileged students.

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