YOGYAKARTA - Weton is a combination of the birthday and market in the Javanese calendar which is often used for various traditional purposes, such as determining good days, matchmaking, or life forecasts. Along with technological advances, now calculating wetons can be done more easily through applications and online sites. This article will discuss how to calculate online wetons and some of the best applications you can use.

How To Count Weton

Before turning to a digital platform, it's a good idea to understand the basic concept of a weton. Weton is calculated based on a combination of seven days a week (Monday to Sunday) and five Javanese markets (Kliwon, Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage). Every day and the market has certain values used in various calculations.

For example, someone born on Monday Kliwon has a value from Monday (4) and Kliwon (8), which if added up to 12. This combination is used to predict the characteristics, match of a partner, or a good time to start a business.

Benefits Of Counting Weton

Calculating that weton has various benefits, especially in Javanese culture:

Now, calculating wetons can be done quickly and easily through various online platforms. You just need to enter your date of birth, and the system will automatically calculate the appropriate days and markets. By using an online weton counting service, you don't have to bother calculating manually.

Application Recommendations To Count Online Weton

1. Javanese and Weton Primbons

This application provides a complete feature for calculating wetons based on date of birth. In addition, you can find forecasts related to a good day, match couples, and various other predictions based on Javanese primbonds.

2. Java Weton Calculator

This calculus is specially designed to help quickly and accurately calculate wetons. You just need to enter your date of birth, and the app will provide complete results with day and market information.

3. Primbon Couple

This application focuses on matching a partner based on a weton. You can compare two date of birth to find out the level of match based on traditional calculations.

4. Weton Finder

Weton Finder is a simple application that makes it easier for you to calculate wetons without the need to study manual tables. Calculation results are complemented by a brief description of the meaning of the weton.

5. Javan Astro

In addition to the weton feature, this application also offers various Javanese calendar-based predictions and traditional ceremonies. The weton counter feature in it is easy to use and has user-friendly interfaces.

The Advantages Of Using The Online Weton App

Calculating wetons is now easier thanks to the existence of specially designed online applications and sites. By using an online weton counting service, you don't have to bother calculating manually, making it more practical and time-saving. Choose an app that suits your needs to make better use of this local wisdom.

In addition, you also need to know how to calculate Good Days for Business

So after knowing how to calculate online wetons, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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