YOGYAKARTA - TikTok is one of the popular social media platforms with various service policies, including the user's age limit. One of the features that users are often looking for is how to change their birth date on TikTok. This is important because TikTok sets a minimum age limit for accessing certain features, such as live streaming, shopping, and others. The minimum life limit for accessing this feature is 16 years.
Mistakes when entering a date of birth can limit user access to the TikTok feature. Therefore, understanding how to change the date of birth on TikTok is an important step in order to enjoy the feature completely. Here are some ways that can be done to easily change the date of birth on TikTok.
1. How to Change Birth Date through Google Account
Using a Google account is one method that can be done to change the date of birth on TikTok. Here are the steps:
2. How to Change Birth Dates Directly on TikTok
TikTok provides the option to report problems related to user profiles. Here's how:
If the problem has not been resolved, select "Report a Problem" and send a request for a change in date of birth.
3. Using Other Options on TikTok
If the method above doesn't work, you can try the following steps:
4. Create a New Account
If the date change is not possible, another solution is to create a new account. Here are the steps:
4. Using the "Report a Problem" Option
Another alternative is to take advantage of the "Report Problems" feature on TikTok. Here are the steps:
5. Create a New TikTok Account with Phone Number
If all the methods above don't work, you can create a new account using your phone number. Here's how:
Knowing how to change the date of birth on TikTok is very important so that users can enjoy the available features, including shopping and live streaming. By following one of the methods above, you can update your date of birth information easily and make sure the experience of using TikTok is more optimal.
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