JAKARTA - Google added a new feature for Google Workspace users, which will allow users to be able to lock their documents, so that the file cannot be tampered with by others.

Called lock files, this feature gives you the ability to lock files on your Google Drive, which should help reduce unwanted changes when sharing with some team members.

Previously, you can lock documents or files when sharing them, or via Google Drive API calls. However, this new key feature will simplify it.

"This update simplifies and streamlines the process of limiting files on Drive, which were previously only available through the Google Drive API or through file approval," Google wrote on its blog workspace, some time ago.

If you want to try the key feature of this file, you only need to right-click your cursor on the file you want to lock. Then select the File Information option, and just click Lock.

"locking files ensures the reviewer cannot change files. Editing, commenting, and suggestions cannot be added to the locked document," the search giant said.

The file lock feature has been rolled out to several Fast Release domains and will continue for the next 15 days. People in the Scheduled Release domain can hope to start seeing the feature by September 20, with a similar 15-day launch period.

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