YOGYAKARTA One of the problems that laptop users often face is locked keyboards. If this happens, you don't need to worry. The reason is, the way to deal with locked laptop keyboards is very easy to practice.

Quoted from Life Wire, Friday, March 17, 2023, laptop keyboards that are suddenly locked or locked can be caused by various things, including:

If your laptop keyboard is locked suddenly, here are some things you can do so that the keyboard can function as usual.

1. Update laptop keyboard drivers

In addition to the three things above, the malfunction of the laptop keyboard can also be caused by problems with the driver.

In order for the laptop keyboard to return to normal, you need to update the keyboard driver. The steps are as follows:

2. Clean the laptop keyboard

If your laptop keyboard doesn't work because it's dirty, the only way you can do that is to clean up dust, hair, and fine dirt that fills the space inside the keyboard button.

The steps to clean the laptop keyboard include:

3. Open with a combination button

After cleaning the keyboard, try to turn on the laptop. If the above method does not work, try unlocking the keyboard with a combination of buttons whose function is universal in various types of laptops.

The way to unlock the keyboard can be done by pressing the simultaneous button (Shift + Numlock) or (Fn + F11 + Scroll Lock).

The combination of this button will automatically open the Numlock so that the keyboard can be reused.

4. Adjust keyboard settings

The next way to deal with a locked keyboard is to change the keyboard's built-in settings.

The steps are as follows:

If you have completed the above stages, your laptop keyboard is no longer locked and can be reused.

5. Maximize the on screen keyboard feature

How to overcome this locked laptop keyboard can be a solution when you are in a hurry and must type immediately.

How to activate the on screen keyboard feature on a laptop, namely:

After the keyboard on Screen feature is active, you will see the keyboard on the laptop screen. To use it, you just click every button.

That's the information on how to deal with locked laptop keyboards. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting news.

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