JAKARTA - Anchor, the most popular online podcast recording service, introduced a new feature called Audio Enhancement.

Anchor is commonly used by podcast makers as their mainstay recording tool which they will later upload to Spotify, or other platforms.

However, the creation of podcasts is often less than perfect due to conditions that are not conducive or noisy. But starting today, you don't have to think about that noise anymore.

"Audio Enhancement on Anchor is your most valuable audio editing tool," said Anchor in an announcement on its official website, Monday, November 21.

This feature works automatically to reduce background noise while even out your voice and bring it to the fore, so you can hear it more clearly.

"The result is audio that sounds better, even when recorded in a loud coffee shop, on the subway, or with a crying baby in the background," they added.

How to Use Audio Enhancement

To make your podcast recording sound clearer like a pro, simply record it on the Anchor mobile app, when you're done recording tap 'Enhance' to significantly reduce the background noise.

Even if your phone's built-in microphone is not that great, you can still enhance your Audio with Audio Enhancement.

Audio Enhancement is available today to all Anchor creators worldwide using the Anchor mobile app on iOS and Android for free.

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